The Best Path to Multi-Millionaire Status in America
Let's be honest. The best path to multi-millionaire status in the USA is to follow these 3 steps:
Go to a reasonably priced college.
Work/Save/Invest for 10-20 years.
Then just take it easy (work a job you enjoy) while your accumulated nest egg just grows and compounds over time.
That's it. Really.
Your friends who start later in life will never catch up (compound growth is too powerful).
So while your buddies drive "too much" car and take unnecessary trips (travel) in their 20's and 30's, you are semi-retired by 40. Spending time with friends and family—doing something you love.
*And think twice before you spend $40,000 on a fancy wedding. Forty years from now that’s over a million bucks you’re giving up (if you had invested it at 8.5% annually).